
Acquisition of 173 affordable homes, London

London Acquisition of 173 affordable homes, London

Key Features

Mixed-tenure scheme with social rent, affordable rent and shared ownership homes
173 homes across five buildings, including apartments, maisonettes and houses
High-quality, design-led scheme in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
20-year management lease with local housing association Poplar HARCA
Provision of social benefit through delivering quality, affordable homes
Fully occupied with all shared ownership first tranche sales completed
Acquisition of 173 affordable homes, London: Quote

Although the London Borough of Tower Hamlets has the largest proportion of social housing in the country, it continues to face considerable challenges in meeting the housing needs of its current and future population profile. This investment provides much needed homes to individuals or families on the Borough’s waiting list, including opportunities for those on intermediate incomes who are able to access property investment through a shared ownership home.

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