Luton, North of London.

Forward Funding of 78-place homeless project in Luton, North of London

Luton, North of London Forward Funding of 78-place homeless project in Luton, North of London

Key Features

Redeveloped asset – freehold acquired Summer 2016
36x 2-bed clusters and 6x 1-bed ‘move on’ flats
30-year, inflation-linked FRI lease with IMPAKT Housing
High social value delivery in area of critical need
Fully-occupied with 3-400 referrals per year
High success rate – 80%+ of residents move to long-term homes
Forward Funding of 78-place homeless project in Luton, North of London: Quote

The asset, in central Luton, is a 78-bed homeless project run by a charitable organisation, Impakt Housing. Luton has the highest level of homelessness in the UK outside of London, highlighting the acute need for the project and delivery of more affordable housing. The scheme supports residents aged 18-65, who typically live in the scheme for 12-15 months, in gaining the requisite skills and confidence to move into long-term homes.

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